01 Introduction
02 Relevant Inkscape Tools
02-01 Drawing Tools
02-02 Selecting Tools
02-03 Aligning and Distributing Tools
02-04 Transforming Tools
02-05 Grouping Tools
02-06 Coloring and Outlining Tools
03 Guide Lines Setup
04 Symmetric Object Creation
05 Ring Creation
06 Coloring
05 Ring Creation
A large proportion of modern mandalas are radially symmetric circles, or have some regular circular aspect to them. In this part of the tutorial I describe one technique you can use in Inkscape to place design elements in a ring so that they fit precisely and are evenly spaced.
Keep in mind that a circle is comprised of 360 degrees. This handy table shows the number of degrees wide a design element needs to be in order for a specified number of them to fit into a ring while just touching each other. If you want space between your design elements, add the degree width of one space to the degree width of one design element to get the total degrees for one unit. Of course, fractional degrees also work as long as you stick with numbers that divide into 360 evenly.