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12 January 2019

Switching from Windows to Linux

The time has come, the Walrus said,
To talk of many things: Of switching now to Linux,
Putting Windows in the wings.
- (Nod to Lewis Carroll)
I was a software engineer on UNIX systems for fourteen years. When I retired in 2004, I switched over to using Windows on my home computer. Windows XP was great. All of the software I wanted to use worked fine on it and life was good. When Windows Vista was released, I simply ignored it and continued happily on my way with XP. Then one day, due to a death in my family (my computer), I was forced to buy new hardware. Fortunately, at that time Windows 7 was available, so I started using it and life continued to be good. Windows 8 came and went while I happily continued using Windows 7.